Vintage Memories of Mine

Saturday, February 11, 2006

The Old Wooden Pulley!

I love this old pulley! Iron on the top, wooden on the bottom it shows such character! The wood has such a wonderful worn feel to it. I can only imagine how many times it's helped to haul something from the ground into a hay loft! Wouldn't this be a wonderful piece to hang an old bucket from and then fill it with flowers?

Thursday, February 09, 2006

A Strange Shaped Plate

Isn't this a strange little plate? I have no idea what it was used for. I thought maybe a sandwich plate at a luncheon. I love the shape of it and the flowers are so tiny and delicate. If any of you have any ideas about it, I would love to hear them.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Old Pump

Today's vintage memory is another auction find. There was something about this old pump that brought back wonderful memories of my grandparents. Maybe it was because they had one in their back yard and I remember my other cousins and I pumping water from it each time we all got together at Grandpa and Grandma's. (I'm sure our parents had no idea we were doing this!) While this one isn't in the best shape and some parts are missing, it's still a great old piece. It's now firmly planted in one of our flower gardens. Each year I hang an old coal bucket from the spout and fill it with flowers. I can't walk by it without wanting to pump the old handle just to see if I can get water to come out of it just like my grandparents used to do!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Shabby Chic Room in Shop

Several people have asked for me to share some pictures of my shop. So, today I'm going to post a picture of one corner of my Shabby Chic "room". This picture was taken several months ago and since then even more things have been added. It's a mixture of vintage and newer things but all with that old Shabby Chic look I love!